Sunday, March 30, 2008
no + chavez
venezolanos del mundo: únanse!
i'm not in aa, but....
grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change,
the courage to change the things i can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
cacerolazo - con c!!!
cacerola es con c people!
cacerolazo es un argentinismo (es perfectamente correcto).
la palabra en español "general" es cacerolada, definido por la real academia como "protesta mediante una cencerrada de cacerolas"
lo loco es que if you google "caserola", sí, con s, aparecen 23.800 resultados. o sea que hay 23.800 bestias que escriben cacerola con s. por suerte google te pregunta amablemente: did you mean cacerola?
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
crazy jay blue) - 1958

de este poema de e.e. cummings viene mi no uso de mayúsculas. enjoy.
crazy jay blue)
demon laughshriek
ing at me
your scorn of easily
hatred of timid
& loathing for(dull all
regular righteous
thief crook cynic
fragment of heaven)
raucous rogue &
vivid voltaire
you beautiful anarchist
(i salute thee
Sunday, March 23, 2008
la historia de colectivero amable

cualquiera que me conoce sabe que no me llevo bien con los colectiveros, digamos que no son mi especie favorita en la hermosa y diversa fauna de la ciudad.
pero lo que digo hoy, a mis ojos, los reivindica a todos (bueh, casi).
cuestión que el viernes iba a lo de mi querida bitch, tipo al mediodía, feriadito, o sea, estaba medio dormida.
estaba sola en la parada del 62 y como no venía me distraje y empecé a mirar mis uñas que, btw, necesitan un tratamiento urgente de recuperación….
mientras meditaba sobre esos asuntos, sentí una gran sombra roja caer sobre mi. era el colectivo! paró sin que yo lo pare! el colectivero solito me vio que estaba solita en la parada mirándome las uñas y asumió (bien) que lo esperaba a él! y paró! que amable, increíble para mí.
cuando subí, un poco avergonzada por mi distracción, le di las gracias, me preguntó riendo si estaba dormida, le contesté que sí, “jijiji” por aquí, “jijiji” por allá….
vale decir que me senté lejos y escondida, atrás de la única otra persona que estaba en el colectivo…. por las dudas… demasiadas risitas….
en fin, that’s all…
sobre la privacidad de mi blog
¿cómo encontrar el blog de alguien?
fácil people! basta haber leído o visto alguna historieta de detectives.
primero, cualquier idiota que tiene un blog, seguro tiene alguno más (a qué blogger conocen con un solo blog, fotolog, o whatever else?), me incluyo en esta categoría de idiota.
luego, lo más probable es que, en pos de la solidaridad, y como los lectores escasean (porque no le damos la dire a nadie), le hagamos propaganda a los blogs de nuestros amigos en nuestros blogs y ellos a nosotros, así como también difundimos todas nuestras otras publicaciones en nuestros mismos blogs y los de nuestros amigos, así hacemos un círculo de propagandas espiraladas, infinitas como la arena o las rayas del tigre - así de borgeano es el asunto…
finalmente, para encontrar el blog de alguien basta con encontrar el blog de algún amigo solidario (y descuidado) y seguir las pistas hasta encontrar el tesoro, por poco valioso que sea.
that’s all, folks!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
so small - carrie underwood
the kind that you just want to give away
its okay to open up
go ahead and let the light shine through
i know it's hard on a rainy day
you want to shut the world out and just be left alone
but don't run out on your faith
'cause sometimes that mountain you've been climbing
is just a grain of sand
and what you've been up there searching for forever
is in your hands
when you figure out love is all that matters after all
it sure makes everything else seem so small
it's so easy to get lost inside
a problem that seems so big at the time
it's like a river that’s so wide
it swallows you whole
while you sitin’ 'round thinking 'bout what you can't change
and worrying about all the wrong things
time's flying by
moving so fast
you better make it count 'cause you cant get it back
sometimes that mountain you've been climbing
is just a grain of sand
and what you've been up there searching for forever
is in your hands
oh when you figure out love is all that matters after all
it sure makes everything else seem so small
sometimes that mountain you've been climbing
is just a grain of sand
and what you've been up there searching for forever
is in your hands
oh when you figure out love is all that matters after all
it sure makes everything else...
oh it sure makes everything else seem so small
Thursday, March 20, 2008
¿por qué quieren hacer sentir a los tipos que su pene es chiquito? fuera de que el pene del recipiente del mail sea pequeño o no, solo que el hecho de que reciban ese mail hace que se lo cuestionen… pobres tipos…
a parte, como si eso tuviera remedio realmente, y pongamos que tiene remedio… ¿van a comprar medicamentos que mary ulterwood, jake hollenback o fulanito equis les quiere vender a través de internet?
o sea, entiendo que un pene chico puede crear desesperación en un tipo, es su amigo, su compadre, su compañero de juerga ¡es el protagonista de la mitad más una de sus anécdotas! pero por favor, todos sabemos que uno: si el tipo tiene un miembro chico, probablemente tenga un cerebro grande (ojo, dije probablemente), con lo cual, no va a ser tan imbécil de comprar pildoritas mágicas a través de internet; y dos: si lo tiene grande, probablemente tenga el cerebro chico (again, probablemente) así que no le va a dar para comprar nada a través de internet…
por otra parte, que ellos se cuestionen el tamaño de su pene nos trae problemas a nosotras… hay que levantar el ánimo del susodicho (el tipo, no el pene)! si es realmente pequeño, hay que convencerlos por horas de que el tamaño no importa, lo que lleva a charlas de horas con nuestras amigas para que ellas nos convenzan a nosotras de que el tamaño no importa, en fin… muchas horas invertidas en hacernos creer algo que, bueno….ya sabemos no es tan así.... pero ese es otro tema…
acá lo que estamos discutiendo no es la importancia del tamaño, sino los mails que venden las pildoritas, concentrémonos por favor.
a parte, y esto va para la gente que manda esos mails, discriminen! ¡soy una chica! no voy a comprarles nada, se imaginan lo ofensivo que sería regalarle a un chongo pildoritas para que agranden su amiguito? “lindo, mira lo que te traje!!” se le achica de la bronca.
no voy a comprar nada, dejen de mandarme mails, no tengo pene y si tuviera uno, sería enorme!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
you would cry too if it happened to you...
it's my party and i'll cry if i want to
cry if i want to, cry if i want to
you would cry too if it happened to you
nobody knows where my johnny has gone
but judy left the same time
why was he holding her hand
when he's supposed to be mine
it's my party and i'll cry if i want to
cry if i want to, cry if i want to
you would cry too if it happened to you
then all my records keep dancing all night
but leave me alone for a while
'til johnny's dancing with me
i've got no reason to smile
it's my party and i'll cry if i want to
cry if i want to, cry if i want to
you would cry too if it happened to you
judy and johnny just walked thru the door
like a queen with her king
oh what a birthday surprise
judy's wearing his ring
it's my party and i'll cry if i want to
cry if i want to, cry if i want to
you would cry too if it happened to you
oh-oh-oh it's my party and i'll cry if i want to
cry if i want to, cry if i want to.....
one fine day!
ahh... la discriminación racial, la falta de derechos humanos, el puritanismo....
ok, ok... me quedo con mí epoca
pero por favor!! que linda musica!!!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
something to think about
what would you do? you’d probably draw out every penny, every single day, before closing time. and—if you’re smart—you’d invest some of it for your tomorrows.
each of us has a bank very much like this imaginary one. it’s called time.
every morning it credits you with 86,400 seconds. every night it writes off, as lost, whatever seconds you’ve failed to use to your advantage. it carries no balance. it permits no overdrafts. if you fail to make full use of the day’s deposit, you lose what you don’t use.
each of us has the same number of seconds to use as we think best, but we don’t all use them to best advantage and we don’t all invest them wisely.
the clock is ticking.
don’t let those precious seconds slip away.
i wanna be a rockstar!
el video posta es BUENISIMO sale TODO EL MUNDO!!! muy divertido
y el otro es solo para la letra jijijijiji very important
de wikipedia: the video features celebrities and non-celebrities lip synching to the lyrics. the non-celebrities are often filmed in front of iconic landmarks, such as times square in new york and millenium park in chicago. celebrities include billy gibbons (who voices his lines in the song), chuck "the iceman" liddell, dale earnhardt, jr., eliza dushku, gene simmons, wayne gretzky, john rich, the cast of the girls next door, kid rock, lupe fiasco, nelly furtado, the crew from american chopper, paul wall, ted nugent, and numerous others. sometimes the lyric they are lip synching relates to themselves.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
alguien que me entienda!!!
obviamente, i could not care about the videos less than i do (though the 80s look is kinda cool), but the songs!!! these songs!! este merengue clásico!! CRECÍ escuchado eso... (goosebumps) no sé que escuchaba la gente en este lado del mundo en 1987 pero donde yo crecí se escuchaba esto! y lo amo! cierro los ojos y tengo 6 años de vuelta!! que sensación tan rara.... ojala alguien lo entienda y comparta conmigo.... sin más vueltas: the video.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
new game! in stores now!
having absorbed ideas and gotten inspiration from richard and his jungle games, she decides to create her own.
the main character is the mistress of the language, a sweet little enchantress deeply touched by the problems of chunky-junky little dwarves and miscommunication.
the objective of the game is to help her arrive untouched from one location to another so that she can give away the wisdom pages to the chunky-junky little dwarves who are worthy of them, thus saving the city from the darkness brought about by unilinguae, the dark wizard of ignorance and non-communication.
the game takes place in maze city and some of the locations our mistress has to get to are: the school of schools, the accent factory (which has various locations throughout the city), the secret safe box of the treasure keeper, the office of sam von sung, everiday’s plan makers’, the headquarters of dieles, the mole, just to name a few.
there are a couple of known enemies and obstacles that will try to keep our heroine from arriving to her objectives. some examples are the chariots in which our mistress will travel at some points. inside the chariots, the variety of traps and monsters she can come across with are endless, thus making the game a little different every time. among the most infamous ones are the chariot guides, who will impart impoliteness and toxic smells that will weaken our mistress as she struggles to get inside the apparatus. once inside, though, the obstacles continue: the metal swallower is an nasty little creature that will eat pieces of metal of different values carried by the mistress which she will need to get back somehow to continue her journey; the com-mutants will overcrowd the chariots, making it difficult for the heroine to remain untouched; also, some chariots will delete some of our heroine’s life time when she has to wait for them to arrive.
the creators of the game have managed to include a number of secret enemies and obstacles which will show up randomly during the game, one of them is the loosentilen, which will spit on the mistress’ clothes waters from the inside of the earth that will make her lose time and energy at the same time; the weather controller can be happy or angry (this will change randomly during the game), his goal is to catch the mistress unprepared, so the mistress needs to try and carry every weapon possible with her.
the designers of the game have come up with several weapons to help the mistress of language during her journey. they are divided into passive and active weapons and tools. the passive require no extra action from the mistress while the active ones will spend some energy that can automatically be regained if the mistress wins the battles.
some of the passive elements she can use to her favour are her pumpedpainted lips and her doublestuffed breasts, which will give her an extra power over the male com-mutants. when the male com-mutants detect these devices, they will give her some advantages that can win her time or energy; the killerhair will create a negative force from the part of the female com-mutants, this force will feed the ego-energy of the mistress, so this is a weapon to be used!
among the active elements we can find an umbrella-ela-ela, that will protect her from the weather controller’s bursts of anger and will serve as a poking-pushing-threatening device in various other situations; the tonsofbuksen, which have to be carried at all times by the heroine in order to give away the wisdom pages (only to deserving little dwarves, remember!). but be careful: any of these items can be lost at the slightest distraction during the journeys inside the chariots, while waiting for the dwarves to appear or in the wisdom pages events too.
not to give away any more of the fun stuff this game has to offer, we challenge you to try it out! there’s no other game like this!
note: the character of the mistress can be customized to make her look like the player or someone the player wants to put through the hell she has to go through during her daily journeys.
Monday, March 3, 2008
me hace pensar en caracas
i miss that town
i miss the faces
you can't erase it
you can't replace it
i miss it now
i can't believe it
so hard to stay
so hard to leave it
if i could i relive those days
i know the one thing that would never change......
Sunday, March 2, 2008
entrada robada 2

1 la muerte de mis seres queridos (robada)
2 la soledad
3 el futuro
tres personas que me hagan reír:
1 adrián
2 mi hermano
3 mis amigas
tres cosas que adoro:
1 mis amigas
2 mi novio
tres cosas que odio:
1 la rutina
2 mis alergias
3 chavez
tres cosas que no entiendo:
1 política
2 la maldad
3 chavez
tres cosas que hay sobre mi escritorio:
1 vasos y tazas vacíos
2 un body splash de melón
3 una lámpara de lava
tres cosas que estoy haciendo ahora mismo:
1 stalling
2 escuchando la radio en winamp (SKY FM TOP HITS MUSIC "who cares about the chart order, less rap & more hits!!!)
3 chateando con mi bitch
tres cosas que quiero hacer antes de morir:
1 ver el mundo
2 vivir cerca del mar (again)
3 tener un hijo
tres cosas que puedo hacer:
1 ser amiga
2 cocinar
3 enojarme y volverme a contentar a velocidades increíbles
tres maneras de describir mi personalidad:
1 inocente hasta el extremo de la idiotez
2 cínica hasta el extremo de la hijadeputez
3 high on life
tres cosas que no puedo hacer:
1 conformarme
2 dejar de soñar
3 dejar de golpearme los pies con cosas cuando estoy descalza